Replaces the word that someone is saying with the world D
lets play
fuck you
"duck dyou"
the hell is that
"a d joke"
you mean dick?
"no a d joke"
1👍 2👎
Any joke that swif007 makes in chat
Wow that was an L joke swif, please spare us from more of those!
funny lame joke
i need to pee
raeans 69 calculator joke!
raean: “press ‘=’”
grnevie: “presses equal”
calculator: “69”
genvei: “so lame”
When someone wants to make a dirty joke but doesn't say it and leaves it to the listeners imagination.
Arisa: *Eats a hotdog*
Reg: "I could make a joke right now."
A thing that's got no dad no father no love and no one
Someone who thinks that world revolves around them with those crusty dusty musty and certainly not crunchy lips ( please put on
Vaseline my brother)
Person 1: Did you see om...
Person 2: Nah the only thing I saw was a whole joke
On April 3, everyone would be allowed to make a “Ur Momma” joke without dying of cringe.
“Time to go make billions of ur momma jokes without dying of cringe because it’s National Ur Momma Joke Day!”
Any of several well-known "door-tap pun" verbal exchanges which involve either an offer ("Howard", "Tijuana", etc.) or a request ("Woodrow", "Kudu", etc.) by da speaker to da listener; often, said query is proffered in said manner in an effort to lighten da mood and add a little humor to said proposal, in order to hopefully take some of da sting outta da expressed idea, which might involve less-than-desirable aspects such as difficult/yucky/tedious labor, significant changes in habits/lifestyle such as being more active and/or giving up "comfort" foods, etc.
A lot of da utility knock-knock joke selections are somewhat "interchangeable" as far as their "request" or "offer" status --- i.e., a word dat's mostly intended for proposing an assistive/generosity action by da speaker to da listener (such as "Howard you like me to _?", or "Tijnana do/have _?") can also be used by da speaker for asking for assistance/charity from da listener (such as, "Howard you feel about doing _?", or "Tijuana volunteer to _?"). Or by da same token, a gigglingly-uttered conversing dat uses a word which is usually reserved for giving-of-time/resources appeals can also be used by da speaker to extend an offer of help to da listener, such as, "Woodrow like me to _?", or "Kudu let me help you out by _?"