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Deepest and Darkest zone

The furry,changed and jaystation (even n&a production etc.) are in that zone

Deepest and Darkest zone is describing the almost ground of the rabbithole

by That Memer 69420 monke February 27, 2021

Bambi Zone

Its the time with with ur crush before u are together

Is she ur girlfriend?
No we still in the Bambi Zone

by Joexblanco August 22, 2019

Bambi Zone

Its the zone before you are a couple but want to be one

Hey are you both a couple
No we still in the Bambi Zone maybe next week or some
We like us but we need time yk babyy

by Joexblanco August 25, 2019

Brother-In-Law Zone

When you want to date a girl, but she gives you permission to date her sister instead.

Bro Shannon totally put me in the brother-in-law zone, that's the second girl this year who's put me in the BILZ

by Bill1997 November 13, 2023

Zoning out

Staring at a wall half asleep 🫦🫦

I'm at a party zoning out cuz im not enjoying it☄️☄️☁️

by ±—★żallaż★—± August 19, 2022

zoning out

Do you remember when you where in class and then class was over in seconds? Yea you zoned out or in other words you where sleeping in class. we have all done it and it's great but the test is super hard when you do it so... But it's your decision.

You zoned out in class. i zoned out in class. we zoned out in class.
zoning out in class is sleeping in class.

by Edevel February 1, 2023

The Bone Zone

"The Bone Zone" is a term used by people with the last name Bone. this phrase is used to declare victory in situations that are contradicting to an actual victory.

example.. fist-name Bone: "LETS GOOOO!! MY TRUCK CAME BACK TODAY!! WELCOME TO THE BONE ZONEEE!!" functioning human: yo... that's not a bone zone moment. your truck came back broken..

by zeeimu August 25, 2022