An exclamation to be used to indicate approval of a cocktail tasted for the first time.
Mingey shit! This El Nino is better than space docking
A collection of the finest porno available.
Man kind's most valuable invention.
yo nibba send me the gud shit from last nite
Uncharacteristically doing something useful
“Even a pig can shit a truffle from time to time”
“Did you see Steve shit a truffle last night?”
Doing something so crazy that seems impossible that it works magnificently.
I got a new Helo on Battle Field.
Im gonna be Pulling Apex Shit.
A group of coworkers (normally 6)and 1 Forman that all head to the areas of the least amount of work and do as little as possible and play games all day while complaining how they hate there jobs and don’t want to be there but yet drag out the work all day. Because of this the other crew has to do more and finish the work.
The shit crew only off loaded 2 trucks today because of them we still got 3truck left.
Derogatory but accurate term for middle eastern/ Indian people Due to most having dookie brown skin and always smelling foul.
I’m sick of those damn shit skins always spam calling me
You fucking shit your fucking bitch that likes to fucking fuck gab. You then fucking fuckface your mouth and fuck gab.
You fucking swear your fucking bitchmouth off.
oh we don't like him so shit that fucking bitchmouth.