Said to someone who is trash and literally dog water at the said activity the person is part-taking in.
Damn, son why can’t you walk, you mad donkey shit.
This happens when you go for a poo, afterwards when all the solids have ejected and you get ready to wipe your bottom another turd starts coming out and forces you to have a two sage poo.
(Dad) OMG have you blocked the toilet again?
(Son) sorry but I had to do a two stage shit.
Someone close to you whom you adore, but don't have the courage to tell him/her how much they meant to you. Hence using 'little shit' as a cover to hide your feelings towards them.
"You are very important to me, and I love you, you little shit..."
Is John better than Mark?
No, they are shit from the same pile
A term used for describing online chats with friends that escalate to all caps texting about useless topics.
Person 1: Why are you laughing?
Person 2: I was just shouting and shit with my friends on skype.
Something That Happened Yesterday.
"You got the 5 dollars I let you borrow yesterday? Man, Why You Always Bringing Up OLD SHIT?"
The act of hiding out in the bathroom stall while checking your phone for a 1/2 hour
Chad pulled a fake a shit, I heard, his phone, playing angry birds while he was in the shitter