a name given to a ginger kid who seems (in the slightest normal on the outside) but is actually pretty much just an extremely horny self centred manipulative cocky selfish alpha mindset man-slag who does nothing but try to get something out of every girl that shows any genuine interest in him. Hopefully one day he will understand that relationships aren’t just a build up to fucking the horny cunt that’s not all that matters
A point of advice: u might as well suck ur own dick because at this point you’ve talked to half the school and i smell desperation from the amount of people you’ve talked to that are seen as below you in the little league of our school.
anyway, if this is found, ur either a) a stranger who knows a different LB b) madly in love w that guy (he doesn’t really care about you)
or c) you’re lucas bell himself… and in that case ur just cocky for searching urself up (or ur just a cocky person in general)
but who am i to talk…
subject a: Oh yeah lucas bell had a thing for her as well… Did you not know?
subject b: Oh it seems like he’s gone through half the girls at this point
Matt bell is beyond embarrassing.
Good lord look at that Matt bell with the eleaf Ijust ismoka one, that’s beyond embarrassing .
When you give a beat down to one of your friends or random stranger. Just like the Taco Bell executive did to the Uber driver
Man I didn't think you were that mad and then I saw you taco belling the hell out of that guy in the parking lot!!!!
Australian slang.
It means to call someone.
Give a bell to Anna and told her to come
Top Brlle is where you say that to a person who creates earthquakes and heavy tsunami. E.g Inigo and Gavin
"Look at you Top Belle" (then you laugh)
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The name of a member of a TACO BELL RAMEN NOODLE CULT
Bish that Taco Bell Ramen Noodle Azz gotta get her TV stuck in her toilet