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Fortnite Buddy

When you ask out a fucking thot and she friendzones you even though she is supposed to be dating you and then fools around with all the other boys but it's ok because you guys are Fortnite Buddies

"Dylan Bass, my Fortnite Buddy!"

by FoodStamos April 26, 2019

trigger buddy

Friends that spend too much time together and are pretty sure fingering each other's assholes

Joe and john both have a trigger buddy

by S.Dotkajfjsjsjsiei June 29, 2017

Butt buddies

Making friends from a booty call

Jack and Mark are butt buddies

by My yee 2 March 9, 2021

butt buddy

A person male or female that you rub butts with in bed while sleeping, or playing in bed.

My girlfriend came over last night and we rubbed our butts in bed, she's my butt buddy.

by Chilly willy west February 25, 2016

Butt Buddy

(Antiquated/not PC.) the term jokes about a #bromance being intimate enough to raise the most crude suspicions of a homosexual, romantic relationship. It does not indicate actual sexual intercourse. There's a nuance to the joke. Southpark was playing with the public's inability to understand metaphor, similar to when their use of #jewbag was an actual change purse carried.

"The ambiguously gay duo" on SNL was also a play on the trope.

Rob and Big, Ryan and Bam, the Blues Brothers, etc, are examples of heterosexual friends who would have been accused of being butt buddies.

The new guy at work has become Mike's new butt buddy. They can't seem to spend 5 mins apart.

by Papa Zita December 7, 2022

butt buddies

tate and seth are butt buddies. not gay but they just twerk with each other

"tate and seth were twerking on each other" isnt they gay "no they are just butt buddies"

by butt buddies August 11, 2023

5👍 5👎

butt buddies

The top and jungler in league of legends

Wow theres a garen top having a lee sin camp me... such butt buddies..

by iBran February 23, 2016