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cracked like an egg

term coined by the variety streamer Punz, used when someone is really good at something, like a video game.

Bro he got 32 kills last game! He's cracked like an egg!

by punzthereynasimp March 30, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cadbury Creme Egg

A friend you only see once a year, and always hang out with just long enough to remember that you actually hate him.

"I ran into Greg at the bar and he hung around all night talking about corporate personhood. Dude is such a Cadbury Creme Egg."

by OneBadMother January 26, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Keister Egg Hunt

On Easter Sunday the priest makes sure to check every alter boy for hidden eggs in their rectal cavitity.

On Easter Sunday, Father O'Brien did a "keister egg hunt" and searched every ass in the church for hidden eggs!

by StiffPeter1015 March 31, 2018

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Egg Salad Sandwich

(n) the product of ejaculating a hefty amount jizz on some broad's butthole with the intention of then rimming her out

Yo nigga, last night I made my girlfriend an egg salad sandwich, but then my dog got to it before I could...

by RawsJoostin June 20, 2011

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soft boiled egg

When you dip your nut sack in magic shell chocolate syrup and then she taps the boys with a spoon to reveal a tasty treat.

"Oh last night?, just enjoyed a nice soft boiled egg with the misses".

by The lonely tanker January 3, 2019

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Derrogatory term for Eight Trey Gangster

I got my plate all fixed for some eggs toast and grits...

by Dr00py November 8, 2006

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Kramer Goose Egg

When a player gets zero KOs while playing Super Smash Bros. It is mandatory that they place their hand to their eye in the shape of a 0 and look around the room.

Kyle: I really sucked that round.
Brian: You probably got a Kramer Goose Egg.

by supersmasher92 December 10, 2010

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