Nickname for a horrible lacrosse player also known as a flopper or a wuss
For example:
- if you fall to the ground and cry for no reason during a lacrosse game then u are Emily Morgan.
- if every team that plays you does not like you then you must be Emily Morgan
- If you have no friends and cuss people out then you are Emily Morgan.
Lax player 1: “look there is Emily Morgan”
Lax player 2: “what a wuss”
Lax player 3: “I get second hand embarrassment from Emily Morgan”
A snake person that unsheathes her ravenous claws when fighting in Arsenal. probably supports Joe Biden, and single handedly prevented the red army from capturing Washington D.C. Draws weird short men from these japanese cartoons and likes cheeseburgers sometimes
"You hear about Emily Adams? Yeah I heard she likes drawing short people!"
When a person is mean to you for no reason even if she's your friend, despite all the attempts to satisfy her and being friendly
" - Damn why is she so mean and violent with me ?
- Don't worry dude it's normal...
- But I was kind with her
- ...She's got the Emilie's syndrome"
A very beatiful, kind, smart, caring lovely girl! you dont want to lose her and she is a very cool person.
omg, she sounds like such a Emily Pollard
This girl I a actually a guy who try's to be your girl freind and acts like a pornstar and sends you nudes. He is on this very website to I got got tricked by him and I was broken
Emily pedo
A wonderful bright lady who has been through a lot and one day she'll understand the man loves her heart and swears to never break it but to pick up the peaces where everyone left and make her whole again
Emily Elizabeth Vaughn wow I'd love to call you mine, my wife my lovely friend that I love so much
everyone: “ you know that girl emily sturiale, yeah she’s a raging bitch”