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jesus sandles

the fugliest shoe ever made. they look like something i wore to the zoo when i was six.

I was digging around in the dumpster and found these jesus sandles.

by prepercolate May 25, 2013

Undeveloped Jesus

when someone has a terribly unfortunate face.

Fuck. Matt Is an Undeveloped Jesus. He is so fugly.

by Bee749 November 21, 2021

Jesus Lover

These are typically old ladies living in Camarillo who believe everyone is going to hell.

My parents live in a retirement community full of Jesus Lovers.

by Jean Cadault May 23, 2023

Pan Jesus

Pan Jesus also know as Beebo aka "Brendon Urie from Panic! At The Disco" the savior of the Pansexuals .

I went to P!aTD concert and saw Pan Jesus

by Pussisucc April 24, 2019

Jesus Nuke

It's like a regular nuke, except it eradicates all sin within a 100 lightyear radius. It also destroys cringeworthy things like furry smut, cancer fandoms, etc. Also, when it explodes, Jesus comes out of the mushroom cloud.

Girl 1: Hey, have you heard of K-Pop?
*Explosion punctuated with angelic choir music*

by guymanchester July 30, 2017

Jesus Preschool

The stereotypical, faith-filled pre-elementary school that most small town children went to, typically held in a church basement. Includes cheese balls, prayer before snack, and 100 toddlers singing "Away in a Manger" for the yearly Christmas performance. Not limited to Protestant (Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, etc.) and Catholic locations.

Oh my gosh, you went to Jesus Preschool? So did I! Did you say *insert rhyming prayer here*, too?!

by maybelatergater September 6, 2016

jesus hurtado

Jesus is the most amazing person you will ever meet , tends to be sweet,caring, and handsome. Has an amazing smile and fun to hang around with . Any girl would love to have a guy like him , Tends to know how to play the guitar.. He wil bightwn each and everyday of yours . Has a big heart , beautiful eyes , good looking and a amazing personality . If you make him mad he doesn't play .. Plays tennis.. SEXY haha .. Well jesus's are unique and the best thing that can ever happen to you. A blessing ❤️

I love jesus Hurtado

by Gordaa January 25, 2014