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Wank like an Egyptian.

The act of masturbating whereby one uses only their imagination to reach climax. Internet porn is not allowed.

Guy 1: "I'm gonna go home and take a shower after we're done here."

Guy 2: "You gonna rub one out while you're there?"

Guy 1: "Man, come on, you know I can't wank like an Egyptian."

Guy 3: "No talking in the operating theatre please"

by BltS3 January 30, 2011

Wank yourself Watson

A polite way of telling somebody to screw off. Very similar to no shit Sherlock

Person 1: Hey the sky is blue
Person 2: No shit Sherlock

Person 1: Wank yourself Watson

by Jaydee18 September 4, 2013

Wanking on the door knob

The informal term for Auto Erotic Asphyxiaton by hanging onesself from the door - commonly used by coroners & medical examiners in informal setting

Did you determine the cause of death Scott?
I think we can rule out foul play Ed, I'm fairly certain he was just wanking on the door knob.

by Ed Bosh February 13, 2022

Pointy Bum Wank

When you simultaneously have a wank while sticking you finger up your bum then proceed to point the shit covered finger at surrounding people.

"Just had a pointy bum wank in asda"

"Who at?"

"The man who was baking cookies"

by its as easy as 123 October 9, 2016

mutual wank alert

Instant alerts generated by thankyourwank.com when you thank someone for a wank and they thank you back, meaning they also wanked thinking about you!

I wanked thinking of Jennifer last week and just today I got a Mutual Wank Alert from thankyourwank.com saying she just wanked to me too! Wow! We are so gonna hook up now!

by WankMistress July 11, 2011

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A sight of a group of people engaging in an obnoxiously senseless activity.

Wank-o-rama: a bunch of wankers in Apple store, watching an episode of 'Lost' on an iPod Nano.

by BlizzArt March 6, 2008

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Fire Danger Wank

The act of setting fire to a 'fuse' of lighter fluid and attempting to finish wanking before the fire reaches your balls. no to be attempted by the beginner, should only be performed in a masturbatorium.

Tried to have a fire danger wank last night... all i'll say is roasted nuts!

by The Marine Scientist November 11, 2013

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