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Constitutional memeing

Finding memes, and forwarding them to friends while on the toilet.

After that Taco Bell bender, I did some serious constitutional memeing.

by Dylan Donnie-Duke Dali Llama January 17, 2018

Meme Theif

A faggot ass ni🅱️🅱️a who steals memes and photos

Wow, that meme theif stole my orginal meme...

by Dwyanethethotjohnson June 30, 2017

Da cat meme

A cat, that becomes a meme, by the way, ur looking SUS today.

Dude 1: did u know about da cat meme?
Dude 2:of course!!

by Da cat meme August 25, 2021

Ethan The Meme

A young man who runs from the storm with butthole flowers to take with him

Oh look there at Ethan The Meme running about!

by Buttholeflower123 March 28, 2018

Cringe Meme Astley


Cringe Meme Astley once said "I swear to God I bang balls"

by CDeleted December 23, 2021

Club penguin memes

A bunch of cancer

Oof club penguin memes

by Heavyhippooooo May 7, 2018

Cat memes

Cat memes are memes which are mainly focused on cats doing funny things. 50% of cat meme watchers are Facebook moms. The others are gigachads.

To refresh a dirty mind.

I love cat memes.

This acts like a cat meme.

by ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ October 29, 2023