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penis fly trap

a condom with barbed "teeth" invented by Dr Sonnet Ehlers to deter and punish rapists.

the girl inserted a penis fly trap before walking through the township in case she was attacked and raped.

by noni movie August 19, 2010

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flying shit storm

its where you take a rolled up pair of clean or dirty socks put the end that has the opening into your spread ass cheeks fart hold for there for 3 seconds until stank has set in throw at your target stank will disperse on impact

chris got rachel & bitchface with a flying shit storm.

by Dustin Wrather December 1, 2009

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take a flying fuck

An infinitely more complicated and interesting way to tell someone to fuck off.

"He asked if he could bang my sister, and I told him to take a flying fuck at the moon!"

by Midnight Assassin November 27, 2015

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Flying Mushroom Stamp

The act of forcing someone to kneel down (have them stand if they are much shorter than you), then removing all your clothes, and getting to a good distance. Once you have achieved the desired distance, you then run and jump, swinging your hips causing the head of your penis to slap them in the face, leaving a bright red imprint shaped like a mushroom.

Please exercise extreme caution when performing the Flying Mushroom Stamp. Serious injury may (and often will) occur.

I performed the Flying Mushroom Stamp on that bitch, dawg!

by Kaj Darkwind May 15, 2010

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Kite-Flying Parents

Back-to-the-earth parents who would rather their children find creative ways to express themselves than play competitive sports like soccer.

Kite-Flying Parents think that painting the top of an umbrella with festive finger paints or making bird feeders out of pinecones and peanut butter are activities that are better suited for children.

by Robert Lanham, Author of Food Court Druids, Cherohonkees, and Other Creatures Unique to the Republic August 4, 2004

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Disco Super Fly

"Superfly" is a song by Curtis Mayfield, the title track from his 1972 soundtrack album for the film of the same name. It was the second single released from the album, following "Freddie's Dead (Theme From Superfly)"

Since Disco was in that era as well, Superfly got morphed in to "Disco Superfly" to mean kurt

That stupid MoFo who thinks that Marcy Playground came up with Disco Super fly needs some cultural literacy. Curtis Mayfield should get up out the grave and shove some Blaxploitation up his ass. BTW it is spelled SuperFly shithead

by Kurty April 30, 2013

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flying dirt star

The act of suspending ones body off the ground using your fore arms as a base while in full nudity or partial in order to reveal the butt hole.

When the Detroit Lions scored the winning touch down andrew and kyle reacted by throwing a flying dirt star up.

by The flying dirt star master April 14, 2010

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