Alternate spelling of “Weed Fairy”
The Weed Faerie started as a cannabis gifting FB group, based in Massachusetts. They host cannabis friendly events, with consumption on site, to connect fellow stoners around the state with like minded people. Weed Faeries can be found gifting prerolls & edibles to unassuming civilians wherever they go!
I went to the Boston Freedom Rally and was randomly gifted a joint. The lady must’ve been The Weed Faerie!!!
When you hide weed or other drugs inside your vent
Bro you got any vent weed inside of your frat house?
Weed good enough for that one friend who is cheap
Zurlo buys the cheapest weed. I sold him zurlo weed
(1) An outlandish insult to piss off someone that simply has no meaning behind it.
(2) A sexual innuendo reffering to slapping someone's bush and/or penis
A simple yet confusing way to call someone a dick bag
Uncle John is being such a dirk weed
What NIWA (northern Irish weeding association) does to help the environment.
Yo, cuz, how many weeds have you shanked today? I’m defo gettin a pay rise for this! Shanking weeds is the best!