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Poppin Works

When you know a holiday is happening and you want to pop fireworks to annoy others.

Hey, the neighbors won't stop Poppin Works. Even when it's a holiday or not they refuse the stop

by DJDopeTope January 1, 2022

work smurk

Carefree Ignorant enlightened
The phrase said when someone states that the importance of their work usually in the context of job is of more importance than a social activity involving drinking.

Friend 1"Yo mane you ready to shred town tonight?"
Friend 2"Nah mane i got work"
Friend 1" Work smurk bro"

by J$hred March 15, 2016

pod work

Drug trafficking

Hi its Tony from Thailand.. Do you have any pod work;)

by Tusker January 24, 2017

How does xy work?

A phrase that questions something really simple and has an obvious answer to it, but can become very confusing if the one asking the question knows how to confuse. It can be used to keep up conversations.
It was found on the questions tab of bill wurtz's website

Here's a question that has been haunting me: How the hell does salad work? / How does a backpack actually work? / How does xy work?

by Frankie Fusilli November 20, 2021

Work Shark

A business manager or boss who is very aggressive, passive aggressive but tenacious and gets the sh*t done

He’s a work shark, no one likes him but he’s good at what he does

by lllllle April 20, 2024

tradie work

When you think your a straight male that the gay community calls " the trade"

Our friend newbee thinks he's tradie work but he is really a butch queen

by SirKash December 31, 2025

Blended working

It is an expression used to describe a type of work that is mixed; specifically, It is work that involves working in the office and working from home.

While blended working, I can, finally, do something personal.

by Bioengineer June 27, 2023