Source Code

Code Silver

Don’t go to school or work because I need you for emotional support the whole day tomorrow.

Me: Code silver tmrw I need it
Friend: I’ll be there for you, the sick day is worth it

by Real_slangdefinitions November 30, 2023

Herring Code

This is a code created by Wavemelon (me) as a result of pressing and holding a key on his phone's keyboard.

For example,

It has to be spaced out through dropping lines and not normal spaces.


&÷)) $=>÷,#

However, it can't have dropped lines if it's being translated.

Use this to Troll your friends!

Q: +
W: ×
E: ÷
R: =
T: /
Y: _
U: <
I: >
A: !
S: @
D: #
F: $
G: %
H: &
J: *
K: (
L: )
Z: -
X: '
C: "
V: :
B: ;
N: ,
M: ?



That is Herring Code. Try translating it!

by Wavemelon November 17, 2021

silv coded

silv coded is when you post something on the wrong account / send a message to the wrong person because youre dumb

x: ugh! i accidentally sent them the message where i was making fun of them
y: you're so silv coded

by silv88 June 4, 2023

Snap Backing The (ThE) (tHe) (a) (An) (A) (an( Comma (comma) (&) (,) The Ol(L)d D(d)usty Ass-w(W)iped Trail (A (The-An) Postal Code 10457-2219 On The Topic Of Zipper's Code)...

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.

Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Snap Backing The (ThE) (tHe) (a) (An) (A) (an( Comma (comma) (&) (,) The Ol(L)d D(d)usty Ass-w(W)iped Trail (A (The-An) Postal Code 10457-2219 On The Topic Of Zipper's Code)...

by LeSouffleDeVersailles January 25, 2025

Morse Code

..-. ..- -.-. -.- / -.-- - ... .--. / ... - --- .--. / .-. . .- -.. .. -. --. / - .... .. ..."

"Hey br-"
".-.. --- --- -.- / .- - / -- . / .. -- / ... --- / -.-. --- --- .-.."
"Alright cool, beepity bopity"
"Yes morse code is so cool."

by Urban Dictionary User Person February 6, 2023

Morse Code

Morse Code: A smoking term; the action of repeatedly tapping the side hole of a bowl while inhaling to both keep the weed lit and ventilated for a better high

You: Hey its my first time smoking how do I hit it?
Friend: Yo let me do it for you, ill Morse Code it

by King_Whalebo December 10, 2021

morse code

... .._ .__. how you doing

morse code looks like long pepe with dots

by TeamMXD3 June 21, 2023