the ability to be a genius without trying and or intense education
that asian guy has a 4.375 all because of asian privilege.
A massage performed after ejaculation. Unlike a happy ending where the massage is performed first.
John received his first reverse Asian and now is free of pain.
The theory that all Asians are different. You may be thinking, "they all look the same", but this could not be more false. Asians look different because of their different geographic locations they have originated from. That is why, if you really pay attention you will be able to see Asians from different areas are all slightly different. These geographic differences account for many things including the different layers in their eyes, making them smaller, it effects their driving capabilities, and accounts for their small genitalia.
Timmy had 3 car accidents, therefore we know his nationality was Philippino. We know this because of the theory of Asian Evolution.
Tiny eyes, hate’s people, extremely racist, and waste money.
Stfu you Ken the Asian
Ass fucking after having spicy Asian food that has induced diarrhea.
Man I'm Keen for an Asian Sewer tonight after that curry yesterday.
Ingredients: Cum filled dog, Cum filled Cat, 3 egg plants,2 cups of rice fermented in piss, and 2 carrots used as dildos. Cut all up and put in pan then broil for 2 hours on 375° then take out and cool for 30 minutes. Now enjoy. Once eat and digested you must use approximately a 12 inch dildo to remove. Once removed it can now be properly eaten. Top with poop nuggets and a dash of cum if needed
Hey man, you want to go to that Asian restaurant around the Conner and get some Asian stir fry.
Hey mom, I’m going to make some Asian stir fry, do you want any?