A branch of electronic art, usually in the form of digital painting, that draws inspiration from the works of the 20th century artist, Francis Bacon.
The painting is sublime, powerful and baconic.
When you leave bacon in the fridge for too long and it goes stale.
The gone off bacon tastes like cardboard.
Kevin-Baconing (verb): When you're stressed, mad or frustrated and all you can do is go to an empty warehouse (or whatever space is accessible to you at the time) and dance around—typically in a flailing manner—using machinery and other objects as gymnastics equipment to express your deepest emotions. Upon Kevin-Baconing, you feel like a weight has been lifted. You find that you are no longer the ghost of Kevin Bacon (aka Ren McCormack). Instead, you are yourself again... but way better.
Hey so I have to cancel plans tonight. Work was a real bitch. I'll be in my garage Kevin-Baconing until I feel better. Hit you up after.
Noun. Bacon Mining is the act of searching through bacon packages for the package that has the bacon quality of your preference.
Most Bacon Quality varies dramatically per cut; and as a result, the manufactures put windows on the bacon so that the costumer can better chose the quality that they prefer. This often results in "Bacon mining" by the costumer.
a man that is uncircumcised
Rosie, I don't know if I want to hit it, i am sure he has extra bacon on it.
An alternative term for when a man abruptly places or slaps his penis upon the frontal neck area of a person to utilize the space between the chin and neck for purposes of orgasm.
We bacon necked so hard last night.
Guy 1: "Hey so how was your date guy 2?"
Guy 2: "Pretty boring until near the end of the movie when i got a big helping of under bacon"
Guy 1: "She put out on the first date?! You lucky bastard!"