A racial slur for a bitch as ho from the midwest: reference to those in proximity to corn.
"Fuck them Corn-ers".
When you and your buddy steal corn off a stalk and throw it at the local town folk
I can’t believe you hit Tim in the eye you’re a real corn chucker.
The Candy Corn Effect is when you do too much of one thing then you start hating it. Named after the effect after eating too much candy corn, when you then start hating it.
It is used to describe something as in:
John: Dude I rode on that roller coaster so many times, now i'll throw up if i go on it
Steve: Oh so like the Candy Corn Effect?
When someone’s deadass or serious.
“That food was so good man.”
“Back pocket full of corn”
A corn cernal that is removed from a erected peni after butt sex has occured if still confused look to the definition of tomato skinning
You can tell he and his boi friend are corn pluckers.
Dude bro last night we had a hell of a time corn plucking
To be paid for a labor or service with something miniscule and not worth the time spent, such as free snack food or exposure. Usually done to “volunteers” at conventions and events.
I was going to volunteer for the comic convention, but they wanted me to work 8 hours and I would only be paid in corn dogs.