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Internet wrestling community

The internet wrestling community is a hell hole of a place for wrestling fans and you will get attacked for having an opinion

Hey all I love-
The Internet wrestling community: SHUT UP

by Best_Ambrose May 20, 2021

pro-slow internet

another word for anti-5G

anti 5G, more like pro-slow internet.

by antipeta222 February 7, 2021

Internet boy bestfriend

Someone you love more than anything.

Someone you met online but means the world to you

Your bestest friend ever
Your big brother who loves you like a sister
Can be miles and miles away

Will meet one day in their lives

Will never forget

“Why is she saying she loved him on text?”
‘Because he’s her internet boy bestfriend

by Omgitsmebt April 3, 2018

Internet Tough Guy

A feckless, worthless useless human being. A paper tiger. (vulgar) A pussy.

That guy who comments on everything with a decidedly hateful point of view is a real Internet Tough Guy.

by Hal Jalikakik 2013 December 8, 2021

Internet Bloody Knuckles

Arguing online about a topic that is dead. Everyone who's had any interest in the topic has heard everything there is to say. Everyone has made up their mind. Nobody is on the fence. The fence isn't even there anymore. The fence was there to distinguish the sides from each other, but y now it doesn't matter who is standing where. The topic is dead.

This is aptly named after a "game" where two people care way too much about what their peers think of them, to an extent where they take turns punching each other's fists and pretending it doesn't hurt. Everyone watching holds back their laughter while these two people wreck a body part they'll need for the rest of their lives (these are normally kids, and injuring the skeleton before it's finished growing is very harmful. It affects the growth and can cause deformations) because they think it makes them look like badasses, rather than dumbasses.

Who is told that they won Bloody Knuckles is up to house rules, but nobody really wins Bloody Knuckles. Nobody wins Internet Bloody Knuckles either. They think they won, based on whatever (like house rules), but all they really did was stress themselves out. Everyone else took one look at the topic, knew everything that would be said, and just moved on. Unlike the original Bloody Knuckles, Internet Bloody Knuckles can have any number of players, but even 2 is too many.

Now their real problems (which can actually be mitigated) will be harder to deal with.

Person 1: "The fictional character in this lewd drawing is not 18."

Person 2: "Guys, can we not play Internet Bloody Knuckles again? I can't in good conscience look the other way anymore. At this point it's as painful to think about as it is to watch. Go work out or study or stab water with a pencil. Anything but this."

Person 3: "They're not a real person."

Person 2: "Balls... 🤦"

by Some random person, idfk July 9, 2023

2👍 1👎

internet friend crush

it's when you have a crush on someone that's your internet friend

Jc- hey, do you like Asa
Ethan- yeah, she's my IFC, bro, my internet friend crush

by bbg_daddyj August 10, 2017

Internet Apa Besti

Internet Apa Bestis are best friends. They have never met, yet they're the bestest of friends. Your Apa besti is someone you share everything with, someone who knows you, your life, and your personality. If you manage to get an Apa besti, hold onto them, be thankful of them. You may never get another one.

Ajax is MY apa besti, do you have an Internet Apa Besti Karen?
No, sadly i do not have an Internet Apa besti.

by much love, /toogie August 8, 2021