the wispy fecal matter remnants suspended in the toilet bowl following an inefficient flush, resembling that of a snow globe.
Get me some galoshes, that guy left his shit flurries in the bowl!
Opposite of peak, worse than mid.
“Elio is not mid, he is Shit Tier”
Another name for one’s asshole. The anus.
I just blew lunch out my shit extruder.
She tried to shove her finger in my shit extruder last night.
Dried crusty shit flakes at the top of someone's ass crack who doesn't wash their ass.
Hey Shawn, you can tear off those Shit Shingles now. It's not gonna rain so I don't think your asshole will get wet now.
When someone is stressed to the point that they frequently have to shit. This may also compromise the "integrity" of said shit.
"Are you guys excited for the performance tonight?"
"Yeah I am, but Steve has been stress shitting all morning."
The period of time between taking a dump and knowing there's nothing else to come, making it safe to do the paperwork and flushing.
The train was leaving in a couple of minutes but he was in shit limbo. Maybe he'd catch the next one.
Words used by fictional surfing legend Lance Burkhart (played by Laird Hamilton) in the 1987 film "North Shore," when a lull in the waves occurs during a competition.
Used when either term alone is insufficient in expressing extreme disappointment or anger .
Shit dammit!!! GRRRRRRR!!!! I NEED this win!!