Kyls is a kid usally 9-13 who does nothing but punch dry wall, drink monster energy and play call of duty and when he loses he gets really salty
Ryan: bro i was playing COD last night and killed some kid and he got really salty
Jared: bro his name is probably kyle
Epic Minecraft gamer who is the best in the game and will clap your cheeks no matter what
Kyle is better then you
The female version of Karen.
Often has anger issues, with an energy drink in hand at all times.
A "kyle" is in the front asking for the manager.
Kyle on the Walt Disney World Facebook pages had a hard time with math
A dude who has mountains of Red Bull stored in his closet
Me: Woah Kyle, you have an entire closet full of Red Bull!
Kyle: Yeah it’s a bit small, but it’ll do until Tomorrow
the most sexiest guy you will ever see. He looks older than he really is. He loves attention from older girls. He is a baseball god and has a cute baseball butt. He is fine as hell and has a sexy sister!
“damn who is that hot guy?” “oh that’s kyle he’s in 8th grade dating a senior” “why he fineeee asf”
A person who is very dangerous. If provoked might pounce ur little sister
That person over there is defo a kyle