Typically adorned by males and are respectfully appreciated only by those who represent it. Cause presentation is goal, and rarely is this jewelry worth anything, due to the fact majority of chains are ceiling fan pull switches, and even toilet handle pool chains are popular. No matter cause the medallion or relic if mojo is involved makes all the difference. And has nothing to do with fashion statements, but say a lot about the man and which is usally discretely feeling him self…..,
We missed a chance to stunt, but I know my neck piece goes hard, easy to find….lights up and shines, and gives life like bolts on frankienstien .
a piece of scotch tape.
"i just need a little piece of clear, right here."
A group of 8 African American men gang banging a person.
Be careful fam, you me and my homies will run an 8 piece from KFC on your ass.
Who's choking on the splinters
Gary: My time is a piece of wax, falling on a termite
Vince: Can you fucking stop quoting that stupid song?
Gary: Who's choking on the splinters!
That is why you're doing it.
Hym "Seriously. The fattest, most bloated piece of shit anyone has ever seen. It isn't even the fat, though, is the crazy part. It's the bloatedness. You look inflatable. If you asked any women... Who she would rather be locked in a room with for 7 days... Showed her a picture of both of us... You could tell her WHO I AM... Full context... And she would STILL choose me over you. You look like you can feel your skeleton floating around in your... I mean- You can't even call it a body. It just IS fat. I could work out. I could get in shape. But no matter what I did, I could never get that distribution of fat on my body. That's it. That's the reason."
When one is so far ahead of their competition it no longer remains entertaining
The home team was a Rust in Piece