A time skipping/fast forward ability. To activate close your eyes at night on a comfy bed then when you wake up a huge amount of time will pass by. Time should usually be skipped at around 8 hours to get a passive of regaining all of your energy.
On rare occasions, there will also be a mini-game between sleep called "dreams"
"I closed my eyes at night then when I open them it was morning and I feel refreshed. Could this be sleep?"
Describing someone as being unaware of something; underestimating something, not giving or showing something or someone enough attention. To define someone as being ignorant.
“Lonzo will be better than Lebron James in like 3 years.”
“You sleep, No one will be better than Lebron. Hes the greatest of all time.”
what you need for atleast 7 hours
basically you lay on this mattress raised off the floor by a platform looking thing and then close your eyes and relax until you go pretty much unconscious
Scientifically speaking, sleep is when your brain cells get to rest after 7 cruel hours of torture from adults who get to yell at you from stupid things
After getting some sleep, Tessa was able to have a good Saturday because she didn't have to go to the prison known as school
Something you probably looked up at 5:14 AM
I definitely didn't make a definition for sleep at 5:14 AM
Is like being death without commitment.
If you have a child, roommate, any stay at home animals, live with siblings or neighbours who love drilling into the walls or mow the lawn at 5 am (I’ll get you one day. I know we’re you live) you’ll never get enough of it.
If you’re a parent, a student, a gamer, an artist, actually there’s one one person who gets enough of it.
Dead people
Someone: you look tired, get some sleep you need to rest
Someone: I’ll sleep when I dead.