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Snow Pants


A person lacking physical or mental capacity required to achieve, in life, the level of self-confidence that, say, a boiled potato may have acquired.

Hey, Snow Pants. You wanna make another Web page about your worthless emo life, you sickly, white-bellied fucko.

by Unqtious December 22, 2008

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Snow Donut

The act of ejaculating on the surface of one's sexual partner's anus and then observing it.

Guy1: "Hey, didn't you hang out with Girl1 last night?"

Guy2: "You know it! I totally gave her a Snow Donut! Girl2 would never let me do that..."

by StevenJJ July 14, 2010

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snow stick

Another slang term for a snowboard

Dude lets go wax our snow sticks!

by liamrider October 22, 2007

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Skylar Snow

Skylar Snow
Exceptionally sexy member of CK clan on runescape with insanely random combat stats that make no sense.

Also used as a term for getting totally progged in duel arena. Since she was like 98 cmb and beating 126's constantly (and she had normal balanced stats of 80 str and 79 att, 77 def).

Skylar sucks at PKing in general but is an awesome tanker.
If you see her, att her, but she'll probably kill you based on extreme luck.

Much like the famed "Gf Coheed", "snow style" can also be used while PKing items with high values.

"omfg i just got killed skylar snow style"

"snow style bitch!"

by Sexy Elf Lady October 27, 2006

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snow ghost

when a girl gets an ass pimple of a particularly heavyset white man popped in her face as part of a sexual fetish

Did you see me snow ghost kelly on that video i made?

by clarendon saunders October 26, 2010

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snow tears

Liberals that cry when they don't get their way.

Look at all those cucks with snow tears running down their face!!

by CashMoneyChange12 January 22, 2017

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omaha snow globe

Your girl takes your cum-filled rubber, stretches it out over her head and then blows it up by exhaling from her nose.

I blew my load then that crazy bitch yanked off my rubber and stuck it over her head and blew it up. Jizz dripping around the sides. It looked kinda like the Omaha snow globe i bought for my niece, except better.

by wierdo9999 January 22, 2010

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