Influence of technological development has totally changed our lives, especially in previous decade. This technological development has also affected education, which is, indeed, the basic constituent of a successful human being the fact that there are few exceptional cases. However, apart from the latest learning techniques that technology did bring in our society, the revolution of technology has done its noticeable in making the management of educational institutions much simpler, that too in an unprecedented way. The major method for such a simplification is the use of a web based school management software or school ERP systems, which would possibly help the school management in tremendously increasing the pace of management of an educational institutions. Actually, web based school management software is an integrated set of software modules and another parts for simplifying the management of an educational institutions.
Our school needs a web based school management software.
Here’s a better definition of this school :)
It’s full of spoiled white little kids who have no common sense. Even the kids who claim to be “different” and “mature” are even worse. Some claim they smoke pine, but they have never met a plug in their lives and have no idea what being unique is like. They all dress the same. Last but not least, they all depend on their parents whose mothers are usually whores with bleached hair.
So yeah guys, have fun living your FAKE lives
Et booth middle school? Great education! FAKE ASS FAMILIES
A school for nerds who are depressed, stressed, and have an unhealthy obsession with bubble tea. If you go to UTS: don’t.
Oh you go to University of Toronto Schools, that’s unfortunate.
A clusterf*ck (yeah im doing this on a school computer don't judge me) of 4 elementary schools, a middle, and a high school.
A little key for the e. schools:
Mackay- Boring af, trust me I went there
Smith- Rich mofos
Mom/Maugh- Criminals (the teachers not the students)
Stillman- Idk kinda normal, don't know much about it
Middle School ( I could write an entire 1000-page novel about this s***hole):
6th- Okay (1st-Navy, 2nd-White, 3rd-Indigo (definitely not biased))
7th - THE BOILER ROOM OF HELL (1st-Blue, 2nd-Purple, 3rd-Maroon (definitely not biased again)
8th - Again, pretty okay (they're are all pretty okay)
High School - I have no words (actually I think most experiences are different)
Thats all I have.
Also, Keith is god
--"Oh, I enrolled my students into Tenafly Schools."
--"Oh, I hope you rot forever in hell."
you will have a week off during the last week of November. Have fun!
Yay we have no school for a week Mr. Bafoon!
Grange school(Nigeria)is a stupid school that favors celebrities kids it always has a stupid white principle NEVER a black one, you can literally break your neck and the nurse will give you cough medicine. This school will ask for 7 mil as school fees and then say that they don’t have budget for snacks.
U are such a Grange school