What someone says when they get a nice whiff of someone bodily odors.
"Let me sniff *sniff sniff* great scent 7/10"
"A fresh scent 7/10 indeed"
A game that Japanese kids played during japenese interment.
Is a spider with 7 legs 2 fangs and 8 eyes also shoots webs from its butt hole where else would it shoot web from
Fuxk moi is that a 7 legged spider
Same. 7 - in russian sound like {sem}, {sem} sound like same.
In russian - cемь.
person: ugh im so bored
me: 7
The most fearsome and deadly of all the numbers. The only Cannibalistic number known
Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate 9!!
Liverpool FC vs Manchester United
The definition of 7 is to dominate.
Person 1:"What time is it lad?"
Person 2:"Seven passed de Gea lad"
Person 1:"cheers lad"