a disgusting filthy rat of a human being whos homophobic and gay
The name Brandon, came down from many different generations with the significance of pride and love. However, now as time changes the name is loses most significance. The name Brandon, as it stands today, mean gay and loving for mean. People who have this name either play video games every day up to a point where they get grounded and stop playing. They also like to act very gay around people, forgetting that he is a man. People with this name were probably dropped as an infant due to the future consequences they go through as they grow up. Brandons' usually have a max penis size of 3.5 inches. However they grow up to be around 6 feet tall in height.
If you ever encounter yourself near a Brandon, run because he will most likely give you a kiss on the mouth and rape you.
brandon is a manchild who cant look you in the eyes. he is very annoying and generally hated by most. brandon is the type of guy to fall in love with a woman who is either dating or married to another guy. he usually third wheels with that woman and can't take a hint. he talks Way too much when the situation doesn't call for it. the one good thing about him is that he is packing a HUUUUUUGEEEEEE C**k
brandon is PACKING
he is one talkative annoying motherfu***r
All i gotta say its probs sharlize future manssssssxxx
Brandon: your cute
A super senior in high school who can’t talk to girl because they can’t stand the smell from his long dirty hair. He is the most basic spic and is prefers men because he likes to get man handled.
Look it’s Brandon kissing that guy, it smells so bad.
someone who loves to say slurs
a fucking nerd who happens to commit hate crimes but lowkey fine shyt
occasionally glazes individuals with the name kaeleigh