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2 girls 1 cup

The video of two lesbian women feasting on each others fecal matter, drinking each other's urine and then vomiting semi-digested urine and fecal matter into their mouths. All of this is filmed and a sad violin music is played in the back-ground. These types of videos (2 girls 1 cup, 1 guy 1 screw driver, 1 guy 1 jar...) are shock videos wich include genitals and blood, semen, more blood, jars and to top it off it will ruin your life so DO NOT watch any of the videos above

'Dude you should watch 2 girls 1 cup!'
'What is it?'
'It's a video of 2 girls eating their shit!'
'And why should i watch it?

'Cuz its like a drend bro'
Moral of the story: watching two women eating shit, or a guy pulling a screwdriver out of his penis and just barely breaking his penis in half is NOT cool. Resist the temptation...

by shit master 3000 March 18, 2016

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2 girls 1 cup

a nasty ass video of 2 gross ass females eating each other’s shit & throw up

β€œ have you seen the crazy video 2 girls 1 cup ?”

by s p o o k e d July 2, 2018

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2 girls 1 cup syndrome

A similar syndrome to Vietnam Syndrome, it occurs in those who have watched the viral video 2 girls 1 cup and cannot look at a piece of shit without having a flashback to the video. It is a branch of the much larger Viral video syndrome which includes BME Pain Olympics Syndrome and 2 Girls 1 Finger syndrome.

Thing 1: Dude, where's Grandma?
Thing 2: She was in the Bathroom and then started yelling at me "What's wrong with you? OHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHHHHH".
Thing 1: That's pretty weird.
Thing 2: Hey give her a break she has 2 girls 1 cup syndrome

by Chas A April 23, 2008

116πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

2 girls 1 cup scam

You've all been taken in by an elaborate scam. The clue is in the dump, which just isn't authentic. It's probably a mixture of coffe cream cake filling and crunchy peanut butter. She's cleaned out her bowels first before introducing it, and because it is in such quantity, and is an alien product, her rectum is desperate to be rid of it. That is why she has no control over its ejection and it comes out so rapidly. The only kind of real dump that would expel so rapidly would be diarrhoea which would be a lot more fluid.
Re the puking - provided they regurgitate it immediately after swallowing it wouldn't contain any gastric juices, and would just about be palatable to the other girl, but all three times most of it misses the other girl's mouth and goes down her front anyway. Remember they could have many attempts at this before editing.
Other scams are the guy jizzing half a gallon onto a girls face (done with a tube held under his dick, to produce yoghurt or similar) and the guy still alive after being cut in half by a train. He is so obviously positioned between the sleepers where the ballast has been removed to accomodate his legs. If it had been true the push bars in front of the wheels would have rolled him and made it very messy.

2 girls 1 cup scam. Don't be so ready to believe what you see on the internet.

by Mexican Pete January 24, 2012

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Reese's CumNut Butter Cup

The act of taking a spoonful of peanut butter and nutella and shoving it in a girl's vagina, then eating it out.

guy 1: Hey man how was that date last night?
guy 2: Great, I gave the girl a Reese's CumNut Butter Cup and it was amazing.

by phil9617 October 20, 2013

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Ass Over Tea Cup

Being so busy that you do not have anytime for anything else. No time to spare deeply involved in whatever the task and goal is!

I am Ass over Tea Cup with this event happening tomorrow.

by StarmanG September 29, 2019

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many a slip between the cup and the lip

Generally refers to a situation where things did not happen at the last minute the way they were expected to due to unforseen reasons

I was to get a raise this year, but it didnt happen due to the merger.
Well my friend, there is many a slip between the cup and the lip!

by Vishal Dhaliwal September 22, 2006

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