National hit your head on a wall day
Joe: What day is it
Bill: it’s December 20
Joe: which means we have to hit are heads on a wall
Teacher: what are you boys doing sit down
Joe: it’s national hit your head on a wall day
Teacher: ohhh
Teacher: Everyone hit your head on the wall
Class: YEAH
On december 20 all the girls can ask a boy for their Hoodie and they have to give it.
girl: Hey (boy's name)! Do you know what day it is?
boy: Oh yeah, it's December 20! I'm glad I brought an extra Hoodie
girl: Tysm
spring appreciation day
the day to appreciate your friend, spring.
go tell them you're thankful for them!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW
person: hey spring!
person: its december 16thhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I LOVE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
"Hey go kiss your crush".
"December 16th is national kiss your crush".
National "Weed and Sex" day! As 420 minus 69 is 351 snd this is the 351st day of the year (352nd in leap years)
Person 1: Oh! Guys, its December 17th :
Person 2: Oh? Ok~
December 17th is a day where you can poke anyone in the back of there neck
And this is also a day where you have to laugh at 9:30
Girl: pokes neck*
Boy: what the hell did you do that for
Girl: because it’s december 17th
Others: ahahhahahahahha
Boy: what’s so funny
Others: it’s December 17th
national block kosta uzelac on snapchat day! block kosta for a full 24 hours! you can do it solders.
"Omg! It's national block Kosta day!" "It's december 2!"