Words added to make a phrase. Like asking what's going on now, this is what's going on now, or a greeting within time in the now, present, current and today.
H- 8 O- 15 W- I- 9 T-20 I- 9 S-19 💯🤑
How it is!! Man! 😎 (Respond) It is, perfect! 😊
I so badly want to ask, do you want a cup of tea? But, you know how it is.
The catchphrase of boomers in particular, possibly coming from the movie "Stripes" is a phrase that fuels their narccisim and the outcome being they wonder why their kids and grand kids go No Contact and abandon them or throw them into homes and abandon them.
The idea is you are supposed to question an order not act in blind subordenation. They just say "JUMP!" being confused you ask "How high and why?"
Boomers comically use the phrase "If your friend jumps off a bridge would you follow?" fueling more of their hypocisy.
"When I say "jump" you say "how high?"-Boomers
"Why do my kids hate me?"-Boomers
Said when someone is STUPID. As in, screaming In CAPITALS stupid.
'Thick' meaning thick skulled. 'Chick' applying to anyone, usually a younger person.
Chick can be Male, Female or Trans.
"So, I point where she's supposed to park and she says' Yeah, whatever...' looks at me like I'm stupid and goes and parks in a fucking Handicapped Parking. And I'm thinking, 'How thick is this chick?!' "
“ I’m big chillen fuck how it turn out, on who? me and Larry”
The absolutely best animated trilogy known to all mankind. It’s emotional, it’s funny, it’s infuriating at times, and it WILL MAKE U CRY. Best thing ever to exist, period.
Idk what you’re doing if you’re not watching How To Train Your Dragon in your free time
Quite possibly the greatest animated trilogy to exist. The story of an outcast Viking teen and a downed dragon of night and their unlikely friendship that transforms the world around them.
(From the epilogue of How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World)
Hiccup: There were dragons when I was a boy...Oh, there were great grim sky dragons that nested on the clifftops like gigantic, scary birds. Little brown scuttly dragons that hunted down the mice and rats in well-organized packs. Preposterously huge sea dragons twenty times as big as the big blue whale. Some say that the dragons went back to the sea, leaving not a bone nor a fang for men to remember them by. Others say they were nothing but folktales to begin with. Eh...I'm okay with that. Legend says that when the ground quakes or lava spews from the earth, it's the dragons. Letting us know they're still here, waiting for us to get along. Yes, the world believes that the dragons are gone, if they ever existed at all. But we Berkians? We know otherwise. And we'll guard that secret until the time comes when dragons can return in peace.