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The Ice Bill Line

The last forward line on a travel hockey team, usually the 4th line. This line barely plays any minutes in the game but still pays the same amount of money as everyone else, thus helping fund the teams ice bill.

Brendan: We're down by 3 and there's only 2 minutes left.
Jim: Guess its time to throw out the ice bill line.

by The Achievers February 3, 2013

some guys on ice

common misheard lyrics of “cigars on ice

wait it’s cigars on ice?? i thought it was some guys on ice”

by dukesthirdtrashcan March 2, 2021

Ice Cream Taco

Step 1: Purchase and immediately consume a snack size Oreo McFlurry
Step 2: Go down on a sexy lady
Step 3: Vomit on her vagina
Step 4: Eat the ice cream taco

Nick: Hey, you know what would taste amazing...an Ice Cream Taco

Chris: I don’t think you’ve read the urban dictionary meaning of that word

by FastballTheWay December 29, 2018

Young Academics On Ice

This is what "yaoi" stands for, parents! When your son/daughter mentions the word yaoi, this is what they mean.

YAOI is a nonprofit organization where underprivileged children with a high IQ learn to ice skate. A very beautiful organization, but mainly directed at teens and children.

If your son/daughter mentions YAOI and then begins to laugh, chances are they remembered a specific episode of YAOI which portrayed humor.

(For all non-parents here, you know what yaoi is. This is the definition you'll want to tell your parents - because it's right...)

Father: What are you reading?
Daughter: Uh, just some YAOI...
Father: What?
Daughter: Young Academics on Ice! It's, eh, a really funny screenplay!

by BeyondBarriers November 15, 2010

234👍 15👎

ice cold water

A refreshing beverage selection in Balitmore, Maryland. If conditions are right, it can be had for a very reasonable price, sometimes as low as only one dollar. Always most effective if it's ice (ice) cold (cold).

I got that ice cold water! And it's only one dollar. And it's only one dollar.

by jimothy3tmith August 5, 2011

Salt and Ice Challenge

A challenge where you and some friends pour salt to a body part (supposedly the back of your hand) and then adding ice to that area and seeing who can last the longest. Adding ice to the salt on a body part causes a frostbite experience and is really dangerous and stupid to do.

Dude, Brandon and I took the salt and ice challenge yesterday, and Brandon ended up burning himself but won it.

by Chris's_Zen May 5, 2013

83👍 4👎

Ice Cream Churner

An Ice Cream Churner is when one has become so use to not working and rolling around on the couch smoking darts that the body has become like that of a "Ice Cream Churner". Rolling around and around, smoke coming from the mouth, as well as verbal banter. Ice Cream Churner's have been known to fall asleep in seconds and uncontrollable utter threats during extended periods of sleep.

Look at Hicey, he's been rolling around on that couch so long he's become an Ice Cream Churner.

by el.harp July 1, 2010

50👍 2👎