something parents don't understand
im a finna YEET THIS BOI parent " WhAt DoEs ThAt MeAn"
Any sudden action done at maximum intensity
Jman yeeted his earphones when trigga screamed
It means to throw. It can also be used to spam Discord discussions.
Guy: "Here, take this baseball"
Other Guy: "Okay! YEET!"
Discord Server: "Have you heard of Among Us?"
mrmanboi#3378: "yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet"
Discord Server Owner: "SPAM! KICKED!"
Popup on Discord: "You have been kicked from the server. Reason: Spam"
An actual word that means to throw something with great power. Parents don’t believe us when we say it’s an actual word.
Here’s a soda.
This ——- empty. YEET!
Ok buddy if u don't know the word YEET then u r on some marajuana shit chief. It is my favourite word and I use it 24/7 it is the word to use with the boys when u throw something.
Lazarbeam(while throwing a fetus) "YEET"