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Paul Stamets dose

When you eat 20 dried grams of psilocybin mushrooms

Chase: what are your plans for the weekend?

Zach: just got a new batch of shrooms. Might take a Paul Stamets dose and get real weird.

by TheTallestPsychonaut June 30, 2023

Asian Jake Paul

Another word for Ricegum

Man 1: Jake Paul sucks!
Man 2: Have you seen Asian Jake Paul though?

by TacticallyStupid October 12, 2017

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jake paul phobia

A fear of the cancerous youtuber Jake Paul coming to your house to start dabbing on them haters

Jake Paul Phobia scared Jimmy from watching YouTube

by Tobiathin September 17, 2017

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high paul cult

group of mouth breathers who haven’t touched grass in about a decade worshipping a teary eyed off his head paul mccartney. truly inspiring

β€œjoin the high paul cult today!”

by ziggysonmars December 2, 2021

Paul Walker Shits

When you run to the bathroom and take a shit that is very fast but mad furious. A Paul Walker Shit usually occurs the day after indulging in some 4th meal at Taco Bell or drinking MD 20/20.

Tyler: Dude I ate some 4th meal last night whilst washing it down with some MD 20/20. My guts are geekin. I gotta take a shit. I'm out.

Strap: Dude look at Tyler run to the shitter. He's got the Paul Walker Shits.

by Sweaty Waters April 15, 2014

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John Paul Jones

The God of bassists exists in a Holy triumvirate. Father Mccartney, Son Entwistle, Holy Spirit John Paul Jones. Just like the Holy Spirit, JPJ doesn't get enough credit for his contributions. He can play the bass better with his FEET then most bands bassists can with their hands. A talented multi instrumentalist, his contributions to the rock world are under appareciated in the extreme.

That superstar basketball player who scored 1 less basket then Cobie, what was his name?

I dunno man, he is a John Paul Jones

by TheWaitingIsTheHardestPart February 14, 2015

Paul McCartney & Wings

Close enough to The Beatles. Great band, great music. Enough said.

You: Justin Timberlake?
Me: No.
You: Fall Out Boy?
Me: No.
You: Paul McCartney & Wings?
Me: Fuck yeah.

by Chaseford March 9, 2009

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