Andrew is a beautiful amazing man god made him to be perfect
There is that one special Andrew that is amazing and the perfect man god put on this earth for me
Mains Rob in super smash brothers
That guy plays rob? Must be Andrew
nicest person ever you can always cry in there arms.....but when you like him he normally likes someone else😥 but keep fighting for him he may just come around
andrew is so caring
andrew likes her really?
Andrew is speed itself. Andrew is the fastest person in all of the universe. No one compares to his speed, not even flash. He is also the luckiest
“Who is the fastest being in all of the spiral?”
“Oh it’s Andrew”
He's super gay and really likes men
Probably a furry and has lots of short cool hot friends named Evan and tall friends named Max.
is a member of Josh's Cult, died trying to save Bailey by sewerslides.
Josh:" Hey Rachel, wanna join my cult?"
Rachel: "No im too busy stealing your brother"
Bailey*gets stolen*":O"
Andrews*unalives self*