Noun: a metaphorical shelf that holds things that are representative of one’s feelings or mood.
“How’s it going?”
“Stressed, fire alarms on my bottom desk”
“Sorry to hear that, you’ll be back to socks and sandals soon bud”
A sweaty butt as a direct result of high humidity and high external temperature.
When I stepped outside this morning I got swamp bottom right away.
(1) A mouth that can't shut up. (2) Or one who has a mouth like the butt of a duck, constantly talking, yapping as a ducks butt constantly farts.
Bill has a bad case of .duck bottom
(verb) To make happen. Indicates commitment to completing a task or subtask, especially in community organizing work.
This is used to help ensure follow-through for important work by ensuring that someone will take on the steps needed to get the thing done.
"That's a great idea. Who's going to bottom line it?"
The bottom of a hedge.
“Oi Tony, your mum looks like a hedge bottom mate”
It is the favorite best friend of anyone person. This type of best friend is the main one. It is the highest honor one can receive.
Carl: Am I your best friend?
Leroy: You're my bottom best friend!
Carl: I am? That's the highest honor ever!
*high five*
When Zirico (Tee hee roblox developer) is a loser
Shut up you bottom head