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A specific type of metabolism sometimes converts excess candy into alcohol. The person with that metabolism then becomes candy-drunk.

A: Did you see karen yesterday?
B: Yea bruh she was so candy-drunk.

by i tried T^T May 1, 2020

Candy cum

Give ur girl a penis baby little wigger

Candy cum

by Rissthecunbaby December 30, 2022

Candy van

When someone arrives infront of your house in a white van and they give you free candy! I’m currently in the back of a van right now and I’m tied up and naked for some reason, but at least I get a Kit Kat bar!

Let’s go get in the candy van!
Last time I did that they tickled my butt, so no thanks.

by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 13, 2023

That's So Candy

When something someone says or does is so extremely sweet, it makes you say the saying, "That's So Candy".
Candy = Sweet/Endearing or Attractive

"He's so Candy".

"She's so Candy".
"They're so Candy".
"You're so Candy".

A boyfriend gives his girlfriend a handmade valentines card, she says, "That's so Candy".
A female is with her friends and sees a very handsome guy walk by, she says, "He's so Candy".
A guy is talking to his friend about a beautiful celebrity, he says, "She's so Candy".
A girl is with her best friend and sees a Senior Citizen couple holding hands as they are both pushed in their wheelchairs, she says, "They're so Candy".
You do something I find cute, sexy or attractive, so I end up saying, "You're so Candy."

by JohnyRabbit January 14, 2023

Milky Way Candy

A snickers bar but without the nut

Person 1: Hey want a snickers?
Person 2: Sorry I can't, I have a really bad nut allergy.
Person 1: I have a Milky Way Candy if you want it.
Person 2: Sure, thanks bro!

by somerandom13yearold July 28, 2021

Candy Crushing

Having sex with a stripper name Candy. Going to a Stripe Club. Having sex with a stripper.

Lets go Candy Crushing. Sure what time?

by J1 Socal November 9, 2015

Candy Kitten

noun, Slang.
kandē -ˈkitn/

1.Similar to a Sugar mama, but young. She is a younger wealthy woman who spends freely on an older person, generally a man, in return for companionship or sexual intimacy.

I got this new 21yr old Candy Kitten who likes to take my old butt to BINGO every Saturday!

My 27yr old Candy Kitten likes to get me tons of new videogames and buys me whatever I want

by Sven986 August 2, 2024