lol can be used for laugh out loud. (lol is a short word for laugh out loud)
Girl 1: "look at this funny tiktok"
Girl 2: "lol"
A way a teenage girl annoys their boyfriend by saying, "lol" instead of "hahaha"
Seriously, its sooooooo annoying!, stop!
My cat died😭
We are breaking up
I'm takeing your number of my phone
You #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%# !
LOL lol means LAUGHING OUT LOUD for all the oldies! But for kids it’s a way of saying that she/he is almost crying with laughter.
Omg that meme tho tho
something that you say on text message if u are a little rat asshole. means laugh out loud but if u say it im guessing u didnt laugh out loud. im guessing if u use this and u ACTUALLy did laugh out loud then you are probbaly 5-7 or 40-100.
'i just went to the shop and saw this girl stealing bananas....'
when u say lol in diff context like
look at this exemple,u white guy..
-Hey,can you pass me the pepper