Nathan is a Hebrew name meaning “gift of God” or “He gave.” Gender: Nathan is traditionally used as a boy name. He has 2 crushes one younger to him by one year.He is good looking and dumb
Nathan can be used as a noun and a name of a husband of his crush
This method is often used when your gf gets a little punchy
Gf “babe ur a bitch” bf “Nathan method”
The name of Michael's rottweiler in a brewstew video.
Michael's stepdad: oh godamnit Nathan stop licking your asshole!
Pizza slut worker 1: ah sick dude I think this guy's son is licking his own asshole
Pizza slut worker 2: really wow what a dirty little bastard
Nathan is one of the most superior person in existence.
He has it all.
Arnout: -sign-
I wish i was a Nathan
Kamiel: wow that Nathan is really someone i admire.
Daan: looking good, Nathan
Yorn: i am gratefull to be your friend Nathan
Nathan is the prince to snow white
Nathan go kiss Snow White she's waiting for you baby