Another word or slang term for the husk of a corn cob.
"Hey senorita, do you have any more corn paper to finish wrapping these tamales"
When you strongly agree with something.
Person A: "I had a lot of fun last night!"
Person B: "I'll raise a corn dog to that!"
1). Eat all the corn off the cob (for a week straight).
2). Save cob.
3). Try to withstand shitting for as long as you can.
4). Once the bowls are about to give way. Get close family (preferably blood related) to stick that same cob up your ass.
5). Make sure they go back and forth with twist for most effect, till it reapplies the original corn.
6). Have them pull it out and eat the new re cob corn.
7). They repeat action with original cob.
Did you ReCob the corn with your uncle last night?
Corn dog in the hamburger is when a penis is inserted into a vagina.
Ayo, can I stick my corn dog in the hamburger you have?
Lesbian from the mid-west
Look at that Corn cob dike she is totally fucking that bitch with a stalk of corn
Corn that went up your windpipe, and went back into your mouth or out your nose.
You can still eat it even though it was in your nose
Wow that was one big snot-corn I swallowed