Source Code

The Red Moon

hmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmh uwu horny bitch

E, damn it The Red Moon is a horny bitch. UwU

by UwU Human Being March 25, 2021

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red pack

a red square that holds a rubber

The teenage boy had many red packs in his wallet for festivities that night.

by helga jones December 28, 2010

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Code Red

A family-friendly way of denoting a menstrual incident or the threat thereof. In other words, someone's pad leaked and you can see it on their pants. It's perhaps most often used by medical professionals, who frequently have to use other codes so code red just fits right in.

CODE RED! Third floor, room 34, white fuzzy chair.

by Tsovoa July 4, 2019

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red money

Renminbi; Chinese Yuan. The largest banknote denomination (100RMB) is red and features Chairman Mao.

Jeff works for HSBC in Shanghai. He makes that red money.

by reversengineer August 27, 2017

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Red Robin

A red robin is a urban phrase used to describe a appealing or "fine" booty. The term can be used for both males and females.

"Dude, red robin at twelve o' clock!"

by BasicBird March 13, 2018

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Red Sam

1. A derogatory term, used principally in Chicagoland, to describe a liberal that actually tries to help people rather than just talking about it.

2. Any individual with a leftist bend.

3. A communist

4. A patriotic American Communist

4. A political activist

"Eugene Debs is a Red Sam."

by smurfdance June 15, 2008

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Red Hammer

The term given to a females outer genitalia, also known as the "clit", when overstimulated and/or irritated from oral sex, sex, janky panties, tight jeans with lace panties, etc.

After an hour of oral sex, she felt a red hammer coming on.

by Smarty Lee January 19, 2014

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