The awkward dance that you do on your way to the toilet, so you don't shit yourself.
I had to shit scamper out of meeting before I made a mess on the floor.
Sally: Hey Dan I got a three cheese lasagna
Dan: Sally there’s two cheeses on this lasagna that’s Gorgon shit.
Shit that white people do, such as: invadin' territories, killin' in the name of God, stealin' resources, eatin' a lot of cheese.
Hey, Oliver. You up for some white shit?
Word used when auto-correct fucks up multiple times in a row.
ME:I'm doing food
ME:I meant god
ME:Fuck I meant hood
ME:Godamn auto-shit
1. The stench that lingers like an evil apparition following the act of defecation.
2. A portent of the aforementioned act.
"OMG open the window you bastard, your shit fumes are choking me"
When you're fucking your girl and you catch her by surprise with a finger in the asshole, a tug of the nipple, and a bite to her neck.
"Dude, I'm going to Jennifer's tonight and I'm definitely gonna combo that shit!"
To be left high and (not so) dry in a time of urgent need.
Nearly everyone, at some point in their life, has been shit stranded in a bathroom. Upon realizing there is no toilet paper for use, a person must then make the critical decision to either yell to passers-by for possible aid or make a pantsless, mad dash to the race nearest double ply roll.
A.K.A. wayward wipers