Yo mama means to punch someone in the face or send someone to the Shadow Realm, and you should download Grammarly, for free.
I will yo mama you into the Shadow Realm.
Words to say to an insulter after his/her has insulted you
Insulting Person: Your stupid and ugly
You: Yo mama
Confused Insulting Person: That makes no sense
You: It's not supposed to jeez don't you know me by know, if not then how can you insult me in all these ways?
This is also how to burn people
Who is yo mama? yo mama is a phrase used to compliment a persons looks, and is used to make you laugh or giggle.
Person one: "Yo whos that chick?"
Person two: "yo mama"
Person one: "Aw thanks! My mom is hot but nobody else thinks so-"
Person two: "Excuse me?"
A phrase usually used to joke about others moms.(not to be taken seriously)
yo mama so fat, the photo i took of her from december is still printing
Yo mama is fat or gay the best roasting platfoarms
yo mama so dumb that when someone said it was chilly outside she went and got a boa ul
Yo mama is used as a joke to be funny but be careful because if you use it in the wrong way you can get in big trouble.
Yo mama is so dumb she had you.