Source Code

Bare Face

No Make Up ; Completely Nakedness

Girl you got a bare face today.

let me see your bare face.

by Her1 January 31, 2019

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twyla face

The most alluringly seductive face that can be made. To make the face you must deform the lips in an awkwardly off center smile, squint your eyes or open them wildley, raise your eyebrows, and just send out sexappeal. Once you master this face, boys will be lineing up down the block for a piece of that.

Wow, that girl just did a Twyla Face, oh man I want her so bad.

by koocheww August 19, 2007

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face book

To facepalm yourself with reading material. Usually induced when a statement that generally causes a regular facepalm is said to somebody reading, generally referring to what they are reading.

A: Tom Riddle is the same person as Voldemort, you know.
B: *face book*

by TheOriginalPokegami March 23, 2012

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face space

the social networking area on the internet, myspace, facebook, bebo etc...

wheres mike?

hes at home on face space. again!

by Ben Oakes November 16, 2007

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Sausage face

1. A word used to refer to a person in an affectionate manner.
Not used to exclaim at the nature of a persons facial appearence.

2. A way to show that you wish to participant in a conversation with a person but may not have been to the fullest extent in the previous few minute when they said something.

1. Do you need me to help you carry something, sausage face?

2. What's that sausage face?

by Geesusface June 1, 2009

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A gesture of annoyance by slapping the palm of one's hand to the center of the forehead.

Joe: How do you spell "the"?
Bob: T-H-E
Joe: Oh...I knew that.
Bob: I'm going to face-palm now...

by iMintSheep February 12, 2009

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Duck Face

Similar to pouting. It is to express double the emotion of a pout, so instead of simply jutting out your bottom lip, you push them both out, making you look like a duck.

"Don't make that Duck Face at me, I was just kidding."

by Mair Mair September 13, 2006

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