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Triple Point Shit

A defecation consisting of solid, liquid, and gaseous components, derived from the concept of a triple point: the pressure and temperature at which a substance’s solid, liquid, and gaseous phases are in equilibrium

Wow! That Taco Bell messed me up so bad it had me taking triple point shits!

by The ironic chemist July 20, 2024

Triple Point Shit

When you go to take a shit and it comes out in three stages of matter at once

Scientist: Did you know that at its triple point, a material can exist as a solid, liquid, and gas simultaneously?
Me 5 minutes ago: Guess I just took a triple point shit then

by virescent October 9, 2020

snazz points

a type of achievement awarded by the public after a cool/fresh/fly act or state of being

Sally buys fabulous new shoes
Devin: 20 snazz points
Sally: I know aren't they soo hip?
Devin: ....Minus 15 snazz points for that comment

by LuckyWaters January 9, 2011

60 Point Team

A fantasy baseball team that dwells in the cellar and has to fight, tooth and nail to avoid the OLRL protection penalty.

Oh man !! Billy has a 60 point team. He has a lot of power and shaky closers , but all his guys hit .226 and are banged up.

by rotoking March 25, 2011

control point

A control point, also called a Cap or a point, is a key objective in team fortress 2. It is featured in many game modes, Ex: Control points, king of the hill, ect. It is also:
1. Something your bloody team won’t stand on to save their life
2. Something next to which there will be at least one level 3 sentry at all times

1. Soldier: Why is no one standing on this control point !!!
Pyro: *Chasing an invisible spy across the map*
Scout: *running around aimlessly*
Demoman: *Doing the conga with an enemy medic*

2. Engineer: I will build a damn sentry in this nearly unreachable spot, and no one will ever touch this control point again.
Enemy team: ah fuck.

by 16Geese July 22, 2022

Black Point-Green Point

A neighborhood of novato, a mutant incest love creature between Black Point and Green Point. Black Point is a collection of small secluded houses full of hippies, and green point are multi-million dollar mansions run by absent addict patriarchs piggybacking off of daddy’s trust fund money. The two are divided by highway 37, which is full of drunk truckers who finished drinking 70 6-packs at Rossi’s Deli

Josh: “Have you ever been to Black Point-Green Point?”
Zach: “Wtf, why would anybody do that? I’m not looking to get run over by some mexican trucker who just finished daydrinking at the deli

by YourBoySpiff April 26, 2022

Joints not points

Smoking weed instead of harder drugs like method or crack.

Person 1:Wanna smoke some meth?
Person 2: nah man, "Joints not points" for me.

Joints not points is just someone who prefers weed over any other drugs.

by JointsNotPoints May 5, 2023