A once great school in Long eaton that has gone downhill over the past few years. it's one of the schools on the worst 100 schools list that had arose a while back.
Person 1: What school you at?
Person 2: The Long Eaton School m8
Person 1: That chavy place? nah m8, errywhere around it is much betta
Incredibly good oral sex, that results in a bunch of kids getting shot on her face when she blows you away.
Boys guess what happened last night. Jordan gave me the best head, Texas School Shooting style
May also be called high school or pre College
This is a school for grades 9th-12th or 10th-12th
She Graduate year school
A place where you will get overwork and became a prisoner For the whole 5 hour and repeat it for every Monday to friday
Dam why am I in a school class
Catholic high school is mundy illinois. Really weird place. Nobody here “upholds the Carmel values”. Not even the teachers. I’m looking at the female English teachers at the end of the 100 hallway. I doubt more than 5 students can actually name all 5 or 7 of them values or whatever. The kids are really fake. Faker than any other school in the entire lake county. Shit spreads like wildfire here. Everyone is always up in everyone else’s business. Carmel is NOT a family and anyone who says that is a liar. You don’t bully and harass your family members like that dude. The only good thing about carmel is the athletics, the cafeteria food, and Father Christian. Best priest ever. But literally everything else at Carmel is ass. Even the hallways smell awful. And the boys 500 bathroom is even worse. Morelia is a fat ugly annoying slob and nobody has any idea where she gets off with an ego and attitude almost as big as her weight. Can she please learn to shut up. Don’t come here!
Things students at Carmel Catholic High School tend to say:
Why does the hallway smell like an ass bomb
Why is everyone here so annoying
Don’t go in the 500 bathroom, someone pooped in the urinal
“Did you hear *name* cheated on *name* with *name*” - 437 students and more twisted and fabricated each time
I hate coming here I wanna transfer
The hockey boys are the most annoying people I’ve ever encountered
Person 1: Do you know the school 'American International School of Bamako'?
Person 2: Yes! its a school, yolo
Kid : Omg its legacy traditional school!
Mom : shut the fuck up that place sucks ass my nigga-