When you call your boyfriend to see what he's up to.
"What are you doing? Shit like that?"
I don't give a flying fuck what pisses you off. If you knew what pissed me off (and you DO) you would do it intentionally and laugh about it you retarded bitch.
Hym "I don't care. Really. I don't. What about it pisses you off? That it inspired people to do great things? That I've literally written 15% of the public discourse with my own 2 hands? That the intimations of my work are so numerous that I can hardly escape the plurality of my own existence? That if you started writing the well would run dry before you even finished your first page? 'That shit pisses me off' I thought everyone was better than the fat loser incel who sits around and plays video-games all day! What happened!? It doesn't LOOK like you're better. I thought I was worse. For years you had me thinking I was worse. And now you're pissed off. Tell the world and see if they give a shit. That's what I did. Let's measure your results against mine."
Subject matter that instantly evokes the stronkiest of sad emotions.
Hey sis, pass me that picture of Dad taken the day before he died in 9/11, ugh, what a shit trigger!
I know we just met last week at IHOP, and sorry for the total shit trigger, but, I’m…I’m pregnant.
I wish Disney would stop putting so many shit triggers in every movies so I could get through just one without sobbing like a tweenage girl.
Subject matter that instantly evokes the stronkiest of sad emotions.
Hey sis, pass me that picture of Dad taken the day before he died in 9/11, ugh, what a shit trigger!
I know we just met last week at IHOP, and sorry for the total shit trigger, but, I’m…I’m pregnant.
I wish Disney would stop putting so many shit triggers in every movies so I could get through just one without sobbing like a tweenage girl.
When in the bid process for services, your bid is the lowest bid out of all the bidders by a wide margin and is most likely missing scope and you most likely have to honor your bid
When someone talks so much shit is just pours out like water from a spicket
Wanna fight you fucking shit spicket- Abraham Linclon