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11 November

Sveti Sulto

11 November dan Sultinig povratka medju zive i fokusa kadga ćame đipom udario u rikverc.

by Kaskoo November 11, 2021

11 November

Only the hottest people ever are born on this date, you’ll never find anyone more funny or beautiful in your life than you will someone born on the 11th of november. Ok so they might be abit mentally unstable and potentially murder you in your sleep but that’s not the point.

“omg your so pretty and funny you must’ve been born on 11 november

by thumperbunny June 3, 2023

11 November

It’s all about Victor appreciation day! Do u have a friend named Victor? Post him on your story and give him a hug, don’t forget to tell him how much you appreciate him:D

- omg it’s 11 November we should call Victor
- vivi!
(Victor sa știi ca mi a venit ideea asta random sunt legit geniala pt asta
- cu drag Melissa)

by October 19, 2022

11 November

hot & cute girls born on this day, u need to buy 'em everything they want

anything they want in 11 november~!

by anonanjay January 31, 2024

sept 11 1972

The Official day of oatmeal, who eve is born on this day would be considered oat meal.

Sept 11 1972:” This will be the day of oatmeal

by indomitable oats September 11, 2022

11 Man & ne Peirdekop

This is a mysterieus, well known group in Belgium. Their homebases are Zoersel, Wechel and Malle. However their name suggests 12 people, they are 13.

Omg, they are the 11 Man & ne Peirdekop ! I want to be like them...

by Kippenkruiden October 21, 2019


A number that only Grammy award winner Wizkid,histeam and his baby mamas know about ....It can be used to confuse people

I will 11:11 you

by 🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁 April 1, 2021