The day where you can give a nice kid named Dylan $10, right before he gets pummeled
Give a kid named Dylan $10 day is the best idea known to man
A boy who thinks he knows it all. He will touch himself to the thought of grown old men especially dudes who go by John.
girl 1: do you see that a fucker named levi over there? he is looking scrumptious!
girl 2: girl dont go for him!! he likes hairy horny men specifically named john
The name changer is a account on Instagram known as a crazy, psychopathic “thing”. The name changer has never had a solid name for more then 8 days, and is hard to find on instagram due to the name changes.
“Hey did you hear about the name changer ARG??”
“Yeah I’m scared of that thing
Rape of by one own boyfriend or girlfriend
The girlfriend was name rape by her girlfriend
The general mispronounciation or violation of one's name, be it intentional or otherwise, that results in negative emotions by the affected party toward to offender.
Lovell (whilst reading an attendance sheet) - "See-lig? See-lig?"
Caeleigh (giving Lovell side-eye) - "I think you mean Kay-lee. That was just name rape!"
A BOUND NAME is a nickname of sorts issued to a person referencing certain characteristics or identifiers about them; the person is then identified by the “bound name” especially by certain groups. This is often done with a negative connotation as a means to belittle or even bully someone.
I don't know his name, we just call him Shaggy; that's his bound name because he looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
So like people call stuff stuff, and then it has a name.
Name1: "What should his name be?"
Name2: "Joe M."
Name1: "Wait, but... why?"
Name2: "JOE MAMA!"
Name1: jumps out window
Name2: "Gottem"