Source Code

Beat an INFP Day

On September 27th, this day we can beat up anyone whose MBTI type is INFP, and they CANNOT fight back.

ESTP: "It's September 27! You know what that means?"
ISTJ: "According to the calendar, it seems to be Beat an INFP Day..."

INFP: *runs away for her life*

by minty_zaki June 22, 2022

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Coconut Meat Beat

Everyone knows the inside of a coconut is called the meat right? Well while driving along and you just so happen to notice a white Car/ Truck/ Van/Jeep or whatever. You yell " Coconut Meat Beat" at the top of your lungs and aggressively Punch anyone near you in the shoulder. Make sure the victum of the "Coconut Meat Beat" saw the car or it doesnt count and the victum gets a free "Beat". Yes, I know there are many white cars around, but thats what makes it fun!

Coconut Meat Beat

(Howard Saw a white car)

Howard- " Cocnut Meat Beat" (Aggressively punches Frank)
Frank- "DAMNIT" I will get you next time!

by Henry Sr. Walter July 13, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

i beat anorexia

What people say when they have overcome a life threatening disorder; to do so is an amazing accomplishment which takes intense treatment, hard work, dedication, and a belief in true health. The phrase is one that should never be joked about, as many women die before they are able to say it.

It took years, but I beat anorexia. I feel like myself again.

by BrennaClaire November 17, 2005

112๐Ÿ‘ 183๐Ÿ‘Ž

Let the beat build

Fuck some girl until you have a sexual eruption

lil waynes song let the beat build

by sickness xx August 1, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

KadenJersey Type Beat

A guy that's notorious for usually leaking e-girls doxes, booty pics and more. He has played this game called ROBLOX before and has scammed and used a bunch of e girls for money and robux.

He usually RO-WRESTLES for fun and takes it seriously also.

Example 1: Time to leak some nudes today, I'm going to pull a KadenJersey type beat.

Example 2: I'm going to dox an e-girl today, I'm going to pull a KadenJersey type beat.

Example 3:I'm going to ro-wrestle but take it seriously, time to pull a KadenJersey type beat.

by Lostkev July 12, 2019

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Beat A Human Day

October 28th is National Beat A Human Day, you can beat any human and they CAN NOT fight back.

Furry 1: "Hey, you know what day it is?"
Person 1: "What day is it?"
Furry 1: "National Beat A Human Day!"
Person 1 runs away.

by OceanRequiem October 31, 2021

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Beating your wire

We're a male masturbates until his left arm goes numb and cums.

Dan: what are you doing
Dan: Are you beating your wire.

by Uqksvsns October 17, 2018