A way to tell someone they smell like straight Shit!
Get outta here with all that rip ass
A way to tell someone they smell like dirty asshole
Boy get yo rip ass outta here!!
Me and my buddy went and ate in&out and we both said “that movie was totally rip ass”
A synonym for being good at something, eg; playing an instrument, winning games, etc.
Person 1: "Dude I rip ass at playing guitar"
Person 2: "Dude I feel that, I rip ass at Fortnite"
An adjective for when something is so butt rippingly good
"Me and Jessica got to third base last night" "that does not rip-ass"
Rip ass is when someone rips their asshole a new and big asshole and makes the crack a lot bigger
John: did u just rip ass
Tyler: yes I did and my pants are ripped into 5 different sizes
When someone says something that is not smart or doesn't make sense, this word can be said to show their stupidity
I got an A+ on my calculus test!